
So, yesterday I went to Kroger to pick up my meds and some milk. As I pulled away from the house I realized I left my mobile. At that instant every stoplight became pregnant with disaster just waiting to happen. What if I had a crash? Every little thing I passed on the road was full of foreboding drama. What if I was abducted by aliens? How could I warn Pam and leave some clue to help her and the search team find my body once the aliens were done with it? What if I got to Kroger and needed to ask Pam where the salsa was located?

It was like spacewalking without a tether and no way to contact ground control. I was helpless. I was a mess. What in the absolute hell has happened to me? What has happened to us? How in god’s name did I leave the house when I was a teenager only to disappear from my parents’ life for hours at a time? How did I go to work or on vacation all those years with no way to instantly call somebody, anybody? Oh the humanity. Technology has made me a frightful little wimp.

I made it back home. Pam and I embraced and cried as we held each other tight. I’m still not fully over the trauma, but I’ll get better. I have to survive. This is my message of hope.