Ashes on Wall Street

I once wrote articles for my parish’s newsletter. I wrote this article for Ash Wednesday in February of 2001. Strange to read this looking back knowing that only 7 months later the World Trade Center would fall and Trinity Church would be right in the center of it all:

Ashes on Wall Street
Editorial by Rick Parker

Trinity Church in New York City is located in the financial district in
Lower Manhattan. In an article that primarily features their new Labyrinth they report something I find astonishing. On Ash Wednesday of last year 14,650 people showed up for the imposition of ashes! Think for a moment. 14,650 people in one day. Think again. 14,650 people on Wall Street coming into the house of God. Not for food. Not for drink. Not for some guilt relieving optimistic sermon, so they can return to their day of money trading with a clear conscience, but to be told, “remember you are dust and to dust you shall return.” Not the most uplifting message for the day.

I can’t guess for sure what it means when something like that happens in what is easily the financial epicenter of the world, but it does make you wonder. Is there a connection between all that money and greed we associate Wall Street with and some desire to escape, if even for thirty minutes into the presence of God, or is it the contrast that makes God’s presence so much more clear? Perhaps it’s somehow akin to impoverished third-world areas where the Gospel spreads faster than anywhere in the western industrialized world. Maybe it’s those places which seem most void of Christ’s teaching where God’s message rings the loudest. One thing is for certain; it’s a good thing that church is there for those who need it.

How does this compare to Saint Julian’s? How does it compare to us? Are we really that different from those in Lower Manhattan? What does Ash Wednesday mean to you and me? Living away from the urban bustle and mega-corporate high rises and all the other cliché symbols of human hubris, are we less burdened by the harsh reality of “returning to dust?” Where do all those people go the rest of the year after an afternoon getting “ashed” at Trinity Church? Where will we go? What will we do?

Ash Wednesday begins a forty day walk to the holiest week in the Christian calendar. When we begin that walk we can keep in mind its destination–the Cross–which is where the rest of the journey begins.

[St. Julian’s Messenger, 14 February, 2001]


After many years of whimsy I spent many more in things dark. Then after many years of things dark I chose to seek light. But now, after many years of being in the light, I yearn to seek whimsy again. From here though, I can only look back through the dark to see my whimsy. It sits on the other side calling me, and yet I stay on this side calling it.

It seems neither of us will risk the trip. I fear if I go seeking it through the dark it too may do the same. Then we will have passed through darkness once more only to find each other on opposite sides again. So now we must narrow our eyes to see each other through the smoke of darkness and know that no matter how my light heart touches whimsy, or no matter how much whimsy touches my light heart, the darkness slips its brew into what flows between us.

Perhaps now whimsy is for me a muse, or a siren treacherously calling me with a song so beautiful and yet a price so high. A price that could bankrupt the soul. So I sit and pretend to know it well. I listen in the distance for its words. Then I use its words to bring salt to my own. A salt that has passed through darkness yet again. Yet again.

[From a letter to a friend, 20 December, 2002

The Artist


A warm breeze, it rolls across my shoulder
Something familiar comes to mind
I think of the far off world from where it comes
And wonder how much further till it dies

I’ve seen light in darkened spaces
I’ve felt love when it was far away
In the space I see before me
I see a window in the sky

I think I almost touched the sun
Beaming bright from the purest place I’ve found
Yes, I tried to touch the sun, tried so hard
But doesn’t everyone?

It calls down to the deepest port in my soul
I want to live inside its mystery
From the artist’s hands I take it
I draw it closer next to me

I want to drink from all the glory I have found
And see it framed for all the world to see
But I curse that fatal vanity
It isn’t mine, and it’s not me

I think I almost touched the sun
Beaming bright from the purest place I’ve found
Yes, I tried to touch the sun, tried so hard, so hard
But doesn’t everyone?

The more I see the more I know I’ve missed
These things aren’t mine to own
But somehow I still receive their gifts
From those purer hearts they come

I’ve been touched by the eyes of artists
I’ve felt naked in their gaze
As the love washed down upon my shoulders
I have crumbled in their grace

I think I almost touched the sun
Beaming bright from the purest place I’ve found
Yes, I tried to touch the sun, tried so hard, tried so hard
But hasn’t everyone?
Hasn’t anyone?

[Image: Devil’s Tower, Wyoming – Photo by Rick Parker]


A Reflection on Teaching

eric-leonardI was a teacher once. I spent four years as a department head teaching graduate level students at a well known advertising and design school. A school that I myself graduated from many years ago. My students were both art directors and writers, but this reflection isn’t about advertising or design. This is a reflection on ministry.

I’m one of those people who have gone through life constantly seeking a ministry of some sort. Some way to serve. Some way to add to, or enhance the life of others. I’m still in that zone, and I suppose I always will be. At various times my passion might be for the homeless, the aged and infirm, those in their last hours of life, prisoners, and the pursuit of racial reconciliation. The list goes on.

Now that I’ve grown much older I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to look back on my path. A path full of wrong turns, dead ends, and occasional success. Perhaps one of my biggest mistakes was not understanding where my true ministry really was all along the way. At any given second we can be a light for someone in darkness, maybe even when we don’t realize it. Likewise, we can be an obstacle for someone even when we are trying to help. Our very life is a ministry for better or worse, so a serious commitment of discernment is needed if we hope to have a positive effect on those we meet on our journey.

All through my professional life I’ve always looked outside of the world I was involved with in hopes of finding a higher calling in the illusive “elsewhere,” while all along my service was needed right where I stood. Then, one day things fell together. The day I received a call asking if I would take over the advertising program at my old school. I had taught there off and on as an adjunct professor in evening classes over the years, but this time I was going all in as the head of a program.

Something I never told my students was the fact that I completely embraced my role as their teacher as a ministry. Never during my life has my mission been more clear to me than the four years I had the honor to serve young people who were trying to get started in their life and careers. I never once lost sight of how even the smallest words I chose could have a major impact on their lives. It was the only time in my life that I ever felt my vocation and my desire for mission were completely attached and in sync.

I will forever be tied to my past students, and I will always care where their life takes them as long as I am alive.

Unfortunately, it couldn’t last. Another thing I kept from my students and fellow faculty members was the great financial stress Pam and I were in during those days. The loss of my job as a high level creative at a major ad agency a few years earlier might have opened up the opportunity for me to teach for a living, but it also crushed us financially, and after four years at the school we were in a worse financial state than where we were before I started. It crushes me to know that the one job I ever had that felt right for me in every way, was the job I could not keep.

Eventually, an opportunity came to work full-time somewhere else, and even though this new job would pay less than a third of what I made before I was a teacher, it paid significantly more than the school would be able to pay me. To this day I’ve always been worried that both my students and the school thought I was leaving for other reasons. In fact, when I left, the school was poised to reinvent itself and become an even more exciting place. But my time had run out. I had to go back to a regular job.

Who knows if I’ll ever find that magic situation again where my desire to serve and my actual job can be one and the same. This is why I admire all teachers. It is a mostly thankless job with occasional high points and just as many stress points. But trust me when I tell you, all the good teachers out there do not do it for the money. Sure, they need money, and God knows how many of them might find themselves in difficult financial times due to their choice of vocation, but the money didn’t bring them there. Whether they know it or not they are the priests and bishops of a world that barely deserves them.


[Photos: Graduation photos with some of my students]

Peace of Art

deer-clayI’ve been thinking a lot about bullies today and then I came across this piece of art I did in the 7th grade. Like many kids I got bullied periodically in grade school and high school. I’m lucky though, because I was resilient thanks to the self-confidence ingrained in me by how I was raised, which meant bullies lost interest in me pretty quickly. It would still happen from time-to-time though.

This particular piece of art [shown above] was done in Mrs. Campbell’s classroom at Conley Hills Elementary School. Mrs. Campbell will forever remain one of the most important adults in my developmental years. She loved art and she approached me with effervescent enthusiasm when I entered into her classroom. She went out of her way to expose me to as much art and mediums as she could in our year together.

This piece you see here is actually my second version. I had done a similar one a couple of days before and while it was drying in the back of the classroom waiting for the kiln some kid (I have an idea of who it might have been) shoved their fist into the still soft clay ruining it. When I showed Mrs. Campbell she was clearly upset, but she also immediately encouraged me to fight back by making an even better piece, which is exactly what I did. This piece you see here is what came from that. It is remarkably better than my first attempt.

The crack you see on the right happened in the kiln. I was 12 years old when I did this, and to be honest I feel like it is one of the best pieces of art I have created in my entire lifetime. Somewhere in a cosmically upside-down universe I can thank some asshole 12-year-old bully for helping me up my game. That being said, I can still imagine punching his smug little face into the dirt of the Conley Hills playground.

#Bullies #PeaceOfArt

I Never Cried


I never cried.

My father passed away 8 years ago. I’ve been reflecting on him since Father’s Day earlier this week. Something that has always stayed with me since the night of his passing is that I have yet to actually cry from the event. Now, for some, depending on the relationship you may or may not have had with your dad, this may not be a big deal. However, anybody who really knows me knows that I am an emotional creature that cries at nearly anything that might cause one to shed a tear.

Seriously. I cried uncontrollably at the end of the movie “Ghost.” I cried when Spock died in “The Wrath of Khan.” I cry when listening to music and hear a perfect harmony. I can’t finish some of my favorite hymns in choir because I’m usually crying too hard by the third verse. When my cat, Roger died a few years ago I fell apart. I cried so hard when I was interring my friend Sharon’s ashes into the ground a fellow minister had to reach down with a handkerchief to keep the snot from running out of my nose and onto the ground along with her ashes.

So why? Why then have I yet to shed a tear for my father? The man I loved more than just about anything in the world. I can still remember years back loving him so much I could not comprehend what a life without him would be like. I was scared to death of what would become of me on that dreadful day sometime in the future should I outlive him. I truly wasn’t sure I would be able to survive his passing.

The closest I came to really crying was on the day of his funeral. It was my time to reflect on him in front of the congregation. I had chosen to read out loud the letter I wrote him during his Emmaus Retreat some years earlier. I asked the pastor to be standing by if I could not read the letter without breaking down. I read no more than the first two sentences out loud before having to hand it over and let the pastor finish reading the letter for me. Perhaps I should have powered on and let the tears flow at that point, but I know for sure it would have been an ugly mess, and I wasn’t really in the mood to make a spectacle out of myself during his memorial.

So here I am, 8 years later, and I still have never cried over the passing of my dad. I have speculated on a few reasons that may or may not be the cause, but there is one reason of which I feel rather certain. You see, my dad died from the complications of Alzheimer’s. “The Long Goodbye” as Nancy Reagan called it. Alzheimer’s steals from everyone it touches. In my case it may very well have stolen my tears.

When my dad was in hospice there was plenty of crying from everyone there. My two sisters practically never left his bedside. Over time we each had some time alone with dad. What would be my last “conversation” with him came only a day before he passed. He was completely unconscious, so I’ll never know if he heard my words, but I did my best to tell him how much I loved him and how much I owed to him. Near the end I lifted his hand and kissed it. Unfortunately, his skin had begun to deteriorate and the taste on my lips was shocking and almost unbearable. I felt embarrassed and shameful as I went to the restroom in the hospice to wash off my lips.

I spent that night sleeping on a bench in the chapel of the hospice. Later the next day I decided I should go back to my house and get some rest. It was that evening when my sister called to tell me we were losing him. In the 20 minutes it took for me to drive back he passed away. It was the end in some respects, but for me the end had come months ago.

We all knew dad’s memory was getting worse, but my sisters and I really had no idea just how bad it had become until one night when I had to go take care of him. His wife, Rosemary, had to be rushed to the hospital for chest pains. I got a call from the fire department down the street asking me if I was his son and could I come and pick him up. As it happened Rosemary drove herself and him to the fire station since it was only a couple of blocks from their house. The paramedics there checked her out and decided to put her in an ambulance to take her to the emergency room. Which essentially stranded my dad there.

My dad had no idea what was going on. He was incredibly upset and disoriented beyond measure. When I arrived, he was in the parking lot yelling at everybody. He had no idea who I was. I was just a strange man who came out of nowhere to drive him back home. The next 26 hours would be a surreal existence of him with a stranger he could not trust, but somehow was willing to go along with, and me with a man who was only a faint shadow of what was once my father. In all reality, for me, that is the night my father died.

I spoke with him calmly and with compassion throughout those 26 hours. I knew he had no control over his thoughts and emotions, so the only thing I could be was kind. He never slept. My job was essentially to keep him from wandering out of the house, or if he got outside, into traffic, which I later learned had happened before. In all that time he never recognized me. Shortly before it was over, I began talking to him about his days as a semi-professional baseball pitcher for the factory league in Atlanta. Though he didn’t know me he began to smile a bit at those thoughts. Finally, Rosemary returned with her daughter and things went back to normal, but it was now obviously time to find a memory care home for dad where he could be properly looked after.

But still, I never cried.

When I was a little boy, I thought my dad was the greatest superhero of all time. And in all honesty that never really went away. I followed around in his shadow everywhere he went. Lucky for me he took me nearly everywhere he went as well. I was raised in hunting camps and fishing boats.

I never had a rebellious teen period where I lost respect for him, but as I grew older and my personality developed it was obvious that I was not really a hunting/fishing type of guy. I know this probably made my dad a little sad, but he never let it bother him or our relationship. All of my years hunting and fishing weren’t because I loved to hunt and fish, it was because I loved to be with my dad.

I caught lots of record-breaking fish and appeared in media occasionally thanks to my dad. He was once the president of the Georgia Wildlife Federation and a professional bass fisherman just to name a few things. I was a champion archer by the age of 17, and though I caught plenty of fish I had never killed a deer. The very last time we went hunting together was when I was 20 years old. I had an eight-point buck walk up near my stand. He was completely broadside to me with a clear and easy shot at approximately 20 yards, which was my most practiced distance. I did not have buck fever, which is common to young hunters who begin to shake from adrenaline before drawing their bow. I was calm as a cucumber. I raised my bow and carefully took the shot. By some miracle I missed. Probably because I aimed low at the chest focusing on the heart and not at the center mass of the deer. The arrow quietly flew under the deer, then he looked up and calmly walked away managing to keep trees between him and my ability to take a second shot.

I tell this story because it took me a few years reflecting back on it to realize a certain truth about what happened that day. You see, I never had any interest in killing a deer. I was there that day to be with my dad. Sure, I was willing to kill that deer that day, not for me, but for him. I knew how proud he would be if I had taken down that beautiful eight-pointer. It would have been a proud story for him to tell back at the hunting camp. And surely, I would have been proud as well. Not because I managed to kill a deer, but because I did something that meant so much to my father.

I never hunted again after that, and my dad never loved me less for it. He was always proud of anything I did, no matter what it was. Even though I would have loved to see his excitement that day, had I bagged the deer, I never felt doing so would have granted me some kind of acceptance that I didn’t already have. I think that both the deer and I were quite content with that outcome!

Not too long before my dad passed completely into the irreversible darkness, we were having dinner at a barbecue establishment near our homes. The subject of hunting came up and somewhere in mid-conversation he interrupted and said, “I can’t do that anymore.” I stopped and asked, “What exactly?” He said again, “I can’t kill a deer.” I looked at him and nodded, then began to say, “That’s understandable. I guess we all reach our limit at some point.” Then he grabbed me by the wrist and leaned in, looking intently at me with those icy blue eyes of his and said, with a bit of assertion, “I can’t take a life. Never again.”

There was other conversation going on around the table, so I’m pretty sure the intensity of his statement went unnoticed by most of the others there. As for me, it was one of the most profound things he ever said to me. He had come full circle from the young man who once dreamed of being an artist for the Mark Trail comic strip. As a youth he had written a letter to its creator, Ed Dodd, asking what he needed to do to get a job as an artist on the Mark Trail team. To my dad’s excitement Ed wrote him back and he kept that letter for the rest of his life. I’ve read it myself.

Ed, of course, recommended dad attend an art school, so eventually he enrolled at the Atlanta College of Art. Unfortunately, after a few quarters he became disheartened with the “business” of art and left, never to pursue an art career again. Dad never stopped loving nature though. His ink drawings of deer, bears, and squirrels are still in a box at his home to this day. He treated hunting like a sacred ritual and had no patience for those who broke hunting laws. When he was president of the Georgia Wildlife Federation, he launched a campaign against poachers. Not all of his friends were as staunch as he was about obeying certain laws, but he never budged. Even though I stopped hunting all those years ago, it was his world and his high standards that informed my understanding of wildlife management, and I am forever grateful for that.

That night at the barbecue restaurant, I felt I saw him in an enlightened state unlike I had ever noticed before. It was at once beautiful and at the same time a window he opened allowing me to see into his own fear of mortality. That brief conversation passed mostly unnoticed by others at the table, but when you’ve lived your entire life with a man you’ve looked up to, who’s greatest passion was hunting and fishing, it rang loud in my ears and in my heart.

Not even since then have I cried.

I have cried for my dad before though. Two particular times I can recall. As an adult I lived in multiple cities away from Atlanta for a number of years before finally moving back home. I lived in Virginia, Maryland, Ohio, and Tennessee. Each time when I came home to visit along with my wife, and later with my son, we would split time between my dad and my mom, who lives on the other side of town. I still remember clearly one occasion when we were leaving after a visit. Dad was not really a huggy kind of guy, and I’m not much of one either, so it was always a little awkward whenever I left. We would walk out into the front yard, have a few words of farewell, and eventually even embrace a bit. But it wasn’t his words or our embrace that telegraphed his love for me. It was written all over his body and even more deeply in his eyes. I cried, probably more than once really, as I drove away and looked in my rearview mirror at the man who stood there watching until my car would disappear over the hill. That love was so present and authentic it could suck the air right out of your lungs.

Another time, the first time, came on a summer afternoon before my seventh-grade school year. I went on a hike that day into the woods across the street behind the old Conley Hills sandlot. I was pretty proud of myself as I packed my own lunch. I hiked in, set up a place to sit down and pull out my food, and basked there in the tranquility of that summer afternoon as I watched a squirrel play nearby. It made me feel kind of grown up for some reason. I finally packed my stuff, careful not to litter, and headed back home.

I was passing through the dining room at home when my mom stopped me to break some very bad news. My parents were getting divorced. Now in this day and age that might not seem like such a life changing thing, but to an adolescent boy, who only seconds earlier believed he lived in a perfect home, a boy who loved both of his parents dearly and never saw this coming, it can be equal to experiencing the sudden death of a loved one. I had never heard my dad cry before that night. So yeah, I cried, I cried a lot. I may well have used up half of the tears God provided me for a lifetime.

Don’t fret for me too much. Life got better. Time heals things, and kids grow up fast after events like that. My parents eventually remarried, at least for a while. The next time they separated I stayed with my dad and we eventually moved to another part of town. Somewhere in that haze he met Rosemary and I met my future ex-wife.

I am now happily married to my best friend for coming up on 33 years and have a son who lives on the other side of the country. So, now it’s my turn to endure the bittersweet parting of a son after a visit. My dad was fortunate enough to live to see his grandchildren grow up. The last time I saw my father quietly crying was at my son’s graduation from college the same year he would pass away. He was at that place where, for the most part, he had no idea where he was or who most of the people around him were, but he was also at that point where tiny bits would come to the surface and briefly give him clarity only to pass as quickly as it came. I know at least on that day he knew his grandson was graduating. Then very likely, only minutes later, knew he was somewhere important, but struggling to remember what it was or who it was about.

Yet for all of that, not since I looked in that rearview mirror as I pulled away from his home in Douglasville to take my family back to Ohio, or Tennessee have I cried for the loss of my dad.

I will admit that some tears have formed as I write this reflection. I’m not sure it counts as the type of cry I always expected to have on the fateful day that I would lose my father, but I’m okay. My dad hated to cry anyway. He was very much a man’s man after all, and crying would be unseemly to him, I say to myself.

Perhaps one day the crying will come, but truthfully, I have little to cry for, because I am the luckiest man in the world. Because I had a father who loved me deeply. Deeper than any fancy words I can make up now as I write this. Life has been terrible and beautiful. Would I prefer to write a different ending for my father? Absolutely. But as my dad slowly felt his life fall apart as a darkness moved in to take away from him everything he knew, I hope he understood one thing clearly before it all went dark. That he was a success. The man who never had a father of his own was the greatest dad any boy could ever ask for.

The Power Struggle


We humans are funny creatures. Whether it’s in our classrooms, our jobs, our social functions, even our churches, we all tend to seek out opportunities for some kind of recognition. Even if we are not actively seeking it we certainly appreciate it when it’s given. This can start in the playpen when we are toddlers. If you grew up with siblings, and you’re the youngest like I was, then you know what it’s like to try and get attention. I remember getting frustrated with being the littlest in the family, so much so that I finally took umbrage at the small salad fork my mom gave me one night at dinner! I demanded a grownup fork, and I wanted it now!

We start sorting ourselves out from the nursery right into daycare, then grade school, and to infinity and beyond. Some of us find our hook, some of us never do. Some of us are still looking well into adulthood. Some finally give up.

My hook was art. I was that kid who drew. It helped me with teachers and gave me an identity early on in life. Sometimes, actually a lot of times, it got me into trouble. I was that kid who drew on all of his test papers in the first grade. In fourth grade history Mrs. Wooten took my awesome dragster I was drawing from me and I never saw it again! She told me I would never ad up to anything drawing all the time, but that’s another story.

Society has sculpted nearly all of us into creatures of status. High status, low status, even no status, but a people who acknowledge the effects of status whether we like it or not. I think sometimes we just really want to matter at the end of the day. I’ll confess right now I can be guilty of that.

We either pursue power or get behind the powerful people we endorse. Sometimes, maybe even most of the time, we feel powerless. I think maybe the arguments I see in social media are a product of this thinking. We so desperately want to be right sometimes. But I want to step back and ask where is the power in that? Or maybe I should ask, WHY is the power in that?

What we have allowed ourselves to miss is how much power every one of us actually possess. Even the least among us have the equipment to do mighty things. We all have a vast toolbox of power. We all have the power to bring healing to others. These tools are small, common, and powerful. A smile, a hug, eye contact, silence, these are just some of the most powerful things we all possess.

You can accomplish more with a simple act of kindness than “being right” will ever get you in an argument. Even one simple smile at the right time has the power to save a life. When you feel like you have no power left in this world always remember there is someone out there who could desperately use something as simple as a listening ear. Might I suggest that we stop trying to be right and just focus on healing. Because right now we need more healing in this country, and in this world than we need anything else at all, and I mean anything.

Dare to be wrong. Dare to be vulnerable. Dare to use your seemingly small yet magnanimous gifts. Remember what Maya Angelou said, “People may not remember exactly what you did, or what you said, but they will always remember how you made them feel.”

If you believe in God, trust me God really doesn’t care if you’re right. God cares if you have mercy. So many of us show up for church and admonish God with the words: “Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison.” God have mercy, Christ have mercy.  If God can show me of all people mercy, then surely I can do the same for anyone I meet. Surely any of us can do this.

Next time you pass along a news story, or share a meme in social media ask yourself, “Does this bring healing?”

[Photo: C. Edward Brice Imagery]

Embracing the Unknowing

cloudsWhen we truly learn things we immediately become aware of how much more we don’t know. I think this “unknowing” strikes fear into us and stops us from opening our minds and hearts. In this way knowledge is like true love. The only way to truly love someone is to become vulnerable to them. Yet that vulnerability opens up stronger love in the same way true answers open up more questions. We hide in the comfort of what we think we know and how much we are willing to love for fear of what lies behind the doors of opened hearts and minds.

Unfinished Business

The Listening Servant


April 4th, 6:01 pm (Central Time). I was 8 years old on that Thursday evening in 1968. Too young to remember what I was doing that day. Too protected to understand the struggle. Too white to be affected by it. I grew up practically down the street from his home.

One of my fondest childhood memories was going to FunTown, which was a small amusement park on the south side of Atlanta. It was a lot like a carnival or county fair with all the usual rides you see at those events. It even had games like the ones you might find on the midway of a big fair and a small gauge train you could ride around the park. When I was in the first grade my mom took me there with all my friends for my birthday. I still remember having recurring dreams of going there and riding…

View original post 865 more words

Fully Loved. Fully Revealed.

pammieI recently posted a photo of my wife from when she was a little girl on social media. This photo feels very special to me—my wife as a little 8-year-old girl waving back at the camera while playing in a park near her hometown. This photo isn’t only precious to me because of the cute little girl that would become my wife one day, but because of what I know about that moment and what it meant to her at that time. She was then, as she still is today, extremely shy.

Captured in this split second of time is one of the rare moments in her childhood where she felt fully loved and safe in the company of her grandmother, whom she loved more than anything or anyone in the world. Finding and keeping friends does not come easily to someone so shy. This photo is from the summer before her 4th grade year in school. In two more years, she would become the target of some extremely vicious bullies that would change her world for the rest of her life. Very often a bullied child will stop seeking help from adults and begin to internalize their fear and sadness as a way to protect themselves from more scorn or disappointment. She was no exception.

I know, for me anyway, bullying is a mystery that seems to never go away and follows us into every generation, but that is not what I want to focus on here. I want to go back and focus on that moment when someone feels fully loved. These moments may come before or after hurtful or heartbreaking events, but unfortunately, I feel they may not come often enough for too many of us.

When God asks us to love Him with all our hearts, all our soul, all our minds, and all our strength, and then to treat our neighbors as ourselves (Mark 12:30-31) we get a clear message as to what complete love looks like. I think it also clearly indicates how God loves us back. The visible effect of what it looks like to be fully loved can never be clearer to us than when we see it looking back at us in the eyes of a child.

When we fully love someone, especially a child, in that moment we help them to feel absolutely complete. When we feel fully loved we get to experience in that moment a sense of fullness, not just that we are feeling loved by another, but a complete sense of who we truly are. Love is not important simply because it makes us feel good, it is important because it reveals in us who we are. It is the final ingredient of our existence that makes us whole.

After posting this photo of my wife I told her how much I absolutely adored it. I told her how magical it was to my eyes. However, I quickly learned that the photo and my reflections on it had a completely different impact on her. The photo made her sad. It brought back to her both the good memories of her grandmother, but also a reminder that her grandmother was no longer here. It reminded her of her own frailty and the abuse she would suffer later in her childhood that would steal from her the trust she had in the world around her for the rest of her life.

I wasn’t completely surprised when she said this because I know her story, but I pleaded with her to understand the nature of my love for the photo, or rather the moment it captured frozen in time. I told her when I look at the photo what I love most is knowing at that very moment she was complete. I told her that all I can think of while I’m staring at that picture is how I desperately want to go back in time and find her in that moment and whisper to her, “All things will be well.” I want to tell that little girl that bad things will happen, but she will always be fully loved and she will prevail. I want her to know on the other side of the darkness ahead is a life that blossoms into miracles. I told her when I look at that photo I see who she really is, because in that moment she was fully whole. In that tiny little body, in that very shy little girl is stored all the power of God, because it was put there by God and love is the key that releases it. That is what I see when I look at that photo.

God loves us completely and when we likewise give our love to others we help to complete God’s work in creation. Love is a superpower available to us all. Use it.